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Malty Puppy Chow

CTL Foods, Inc., a company from Colfax, provides the perfect ingredient for any dessert. They have been blending and packaging Soda Fountain® Malted Milk Powder for over 40 years. Thanks to real dairy ingredients in every batch, their malt has a premium, fresh malty taste. It is an award-winning product that took first place at the 2016 World Dairy Expo Championship Dairy Product Contest in the Innovative Products category.

Add two heaping tablespoons of the malted milk powder to your favorite ice cream shake to make a malt, or bake with the rich flavor to make pumpkin malt bars, peanut butter malt bars, and more! Their recipe for Malty Puppy Chow is delicious, and *caution* it can be addicting! Substitute half of the powdered sugar in a traditional puppy chow recipe for a unique taste on a classic. Check out the recipe below.

Malty Puppy Chow


  • 3/4 cup peanut butter

  • 1 cup chocolate chips

  • 1/4 cup Wisconsin butter

  • 8 cups Crispix cereal

  • 1 cup powdered sugar

  • 1 cup Soda Fountain® Malted Milk Powder

*Add dried Wisconsin cranberries for an added Wisconsin flavor


  1. Melt the peanut butter, chocolate chips, and butter together. Pour over the cereal in a large kettle or bowl and stir well.

  2. Pour the powdered sugar and malted milk powder into a large brown bag or plastic zip lock bag and add the cereal. Fold the bag to seal and shake well to coat evenly.

  3. Add dried cranberries if you choose.

  4. Keep in a cool, airtight container.

Order this Something Special from Wisconsin™ product online at The Something Special from Wisconsin program requires at least half of the ingredients, production, or processing come from Wisconsin. You can often find products by searching for the red Something Special from Wisconsin logo with yellow letters while shopping.

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