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There is no place like home

People love sharing their stories. With the transparency of the world we live in, we hear, read and watch a lot of stories. My story began in Lake Mills, Wisconsin on my family farm, Krull Farms, which will be a young 100 years old in a few short years. It’s a family legacy, started four generations ago and was carried on by my Dad and Mom, and now I hope to be the fourth generation.

Did you know that 96 percent of farms in Wisconsin are family owned?

Humbled to be able to grow up on my family’s dairy and crop farm, I learned first-hand what farm life entails. It is a lot of early mornings, late nights and hard work. In addition, I was also able to learn how to care for animals, most of the time caring for them better than myself. Some experiences I endured on the farm weren't easy, but I learned and became more resilient to life. My 4-H projects taught me about the cycle of life, as I experienced working with chickens, pigs, sheep, beef and dairy cattle.

Did you know that my family farm produces milk, beef, corn for grain and silage, wheat (winter), soybeans and hay?

My family farm, combined with the roughly 68,500 farms in Wisconsin, annually generate over $88 billion to the state’s economy.

Did you know Wisconsin is ranked in the top 20 states in all the products we produce at Krull Farms?

According to Wisconsin 2018 Agricultural Statistics:

  • Milk production (#2)

  • Cattle and calves (#9)

  • Corn for silage (#1)

  • Corn for grain (#10)

  • Soybeans (#14)

  • Wheat, winter (#20)

I am thrilled to have my family business, as well as others among our rural communities, working together and be the contributing parts of those ranks, and providing an economic impact daily to our Wisconsin economy and its future.

Farming continues to teach me valuable life lessons. Being able to adapt is key. Technology and economics have made the American farmer be tech-savvy, and business focused. Wisconsin agriculture provides opportunities, as it provides one in nine jobs to our communities. The economic impact agriculture has to Wisconsin’s economy helps us know it is here to stay!

My name is Cassandra Krull. I hope to be a fourth generation farmer in Wisconsin and humbled to be a candidate for Wisconsin's 72nd Alice in Dairyland position.

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